The Board of Electro Homoeopathic Medicine U.P. is an autonomous organization imparting education in Electro Homoeopathy through regular classes, correspondence courses and practical trainings was established on 24th April, 1975 under the U.P. Development of Electro Homoeopathic System of Medicine, Uttar Pradesh (UPDEHSMUP) which is a Society Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and Controlled by National Electro Homoeopathic Development Council (NEHDC) which is a Registered Public Charitable Trust w.e.f. 5th December, 1992.
The Board is a Corporate Body having a perpetual succession and a Common Seal.
The Board has been recognized by Government of Uttar Pradesh, Department of Medical Vide office memorandum No: 2914/V-6-10-23 writ/11 dated 04 January, 2012 and approved by Directorate general of medical & health services vide No:

dated 02-09-2013.